“The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire, not things we fear.” – Brian Tracy
Tools to help you stay focused on your goals
Sometimes it is really hard to focus on our goals with so much going on around us. With an unending barrage of news, social media pop-ups, reality television shows, and gossips, big projects and day-to-day tasks are often placed to the side. You tell yourself that you will return and complete whatever is needed last. But if your favorite television show, movie or other are on at the time, your tasks are now forgotten or you lose track of time. I have to admit it is not always easy to entirely focus on what you want when there are so many other things you could be doing.
On a different note, everyone has a goal at which they would like to obtain sometime during their life. Now it may be a struggle for some to achieve those goals, thus making their dreams come true. But it is possible and attainable. Not every goal is characterized as difficult to achieve or impossible to focus on. Here a few tools which will help you decrease or prevent distractions and stay focused on your goals. Have a look and make sure you use them, if not now, then at least at some point in life.

Download apps that prevent distraction:
By analyzing the needs of the people and the idea of instant gratification, developers are launching new applications every day to meet these demands. Recently, different apps were launched specifically for people who are easily distracted by the Internet and social media. If you too are a frequent social media user then apps like Escape, Proud and RescueTime should always be installed on your phone. These apps give you an accurate picture of how to spend your time. As a result, may also help you remain determined and focused on your goals. In a sense, “keeping your eyes on the prize.” So, make sure you download one of the above apps or one similar to meet your desires. On another positive note, the apps are easy to use and compatible with most of the phones.
Download apps that increase productivity:
To further expand on Apps, have you heard of the Pomodoro technique. This technique is effective when trying to focus on concentrate on specific tasks with the goal of completion. It involves the use of a timer to help break down work in intervals and breaks. For example, your planning to complete as much work as possible in 25 minutes before taking your first break. Through use of the technique, you would set your timer to 25 minutes and once those minutes are up, you take a break and step away from the tasks. Once you are ready to start a new task or finish the one you initiated, restart the timer. Extend the breaks the longer you work on tasks. Other apps that use this similar technique include Pomodoro Keeper, Clear Focus or Pomodoro Time Pro.
Self-control (MAC):
For all the MAC users out there, Self-control is something you all should have installed. This app allows you to block all the websites which can be a result of distraction. It is really simple to use. All you have to do is add the sites that may cause a distraction to the blacklist. This way you will be able to focus on your goals and not the other unnecessary stuff. Blocking certain websites also keep you focused on production, your goals and knocking out your to-do list. The use of the Self-Control app allows the user to set the amount of time they would like to remain distraction free. Once the allotted time is determined, and the “Start” button is selected, you cannot access those sites until that time expires.
StayFocused (Chrome):
Google Chrome is one the most frequently used freeware web browsers. If any of you use Google Chrome as your browser of choice, StayFocused is an app you may use to block certain sites that may be distraction for you. Download the StayFocused extension, select the website you would like to block, ad lastly determine the duration. Once this is done, you are now able to easily focus on your work and goals.
These are a few productivity tools which you may use to help you focus while working. If you think this article is informative and useful, then stay connected as there are a lot more articles coming.